Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My 40 list

O.K. I turned 39 yesterday. So I'm officially pushing 40 and I decided to make my "what I want to accomplish before I'm 40" list now so I have a whole year to accomplish it instead of waiting until next June & freaking out because I'm almost forty and I have never run a Marathon and I still can't speak any Spanish or whatever. I figure its better to make a list for every decade instead of making one big "bucket list" and waiting until I face my mortality to try to accomplish anything.

so here goes:

1. I want to run a marathon (o.k. I'll be happy with a 10 k)
2. I want to learn Spanish (I don't expect to be fluent just able to chat a little, ask after peoples families & order dinner in a restaurant)
3. Go to Costa Rica (I need somewhere to practice my new Spanish after all)
4. Establish a DAILY meditation practice
5. Have a garden (I'm a black thumb so this is a real challenge for me)
6. Figure out what to do with my life! (or decide once and for all that I will never settle on one thing to do with my life)
7. Teach a yoga class (I'm a certified yoga teacher, but have never actually taught a class)
8. Establish a monthly dinner party tradition
9. Teach my boy his ABC's & to count to 10
10. Write in this blog every day (o.k most days)

Do you like how all my goals have modifiers? It's a little thing I've learned along the way, set your sights high but leave yourself a more modest goal so your not paralyzed by your failure! So here I go off into the blogger abyss...

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